Special Events
New experiences can be life changing!
We sponsor special annual events and activities for youth and families such as day trips, summer camp and retreats to broaden their experiences beyond the boundaries of the community in which they live.
Day Trips
A one day opportunity for families to experience cultures and events in communities other than their own.

Youth Events
Exciting thought provoking events and activities that challenge young people to experience life beyond their borders.

Camps and Retreats
Seasonal life changing
multi-day adventures that take individuals of all ages outside of New York City.

Day Trips
Some families we've met have never traveled outside of NYC, while others have never left the communities they live in. Many times finances keep people from venturing out but sometimes they just need an invitation. We try to provide opportunities for families and individuals to visit new places and experience new things. These trips are usually fully sponsored thanks to the generosity of our donors.

Youth Events
These are events we create for youth, teens and young adults, where they can be with their peers and enjoy one another's company. It is important to us to have a safe place where they come and leave encouraged and inspired.
We bring special guest to perform or speak, provide refreshments and admission is Free.
Camps and Retreats
Thanks to our relationships with various camps and the generosity of our donors we are able to send kids to a one week of summer camp free of charge. We also have some additional retreat opportunities for teens and adults throughout the year.